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Re: COLA Stats 10 Sep 2006

On Sat, 09 Sep 2006 20:28:09 -0400
flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Look at it this way, a stereotypical Linux geek who spends 24x7
> re-posting messages because he has no social life.
> It's classic! And it makes for great trolling material.
> I nominate Roy for the "Linux Geek Poster Boy of The Year" Award.
> He is also, by virtue of the sheer number of posts, driving
> informative messages right off the news servers. And if that's not
> enough, without him filtered (I recommend the Shyster News Reader with
> the "Shysterwitch [News]  Septic System Filter. Pat. Pend." plugin)
> this group just appears as a dull, News SPAMBOT and people wandering
> in here are going to scratch their heads, say wtf and leave because
> they are not going to have to fish through 1000's of news posts to
> find good information.
> So dream on Roy, but don't take your own advice because it's wrong.

Getting knocked down once or twice isn't enough for you is it.

Regards, Ed                      :: http://www.gnunix.net
just another java person
If a child ignores the "You Must Be At Least This Tall To Ride" signs 
at an amusement park, Chuck Norris immediately jumps out from behind 
the sign and roundhouse kicks the child in the face, before 
impregnating the child's mother with his beard. 

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