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[News] Vista's Account Protection is Flawed Before Arrival

'Vista's Account Protection: One Click and It's Gone'

,----[ Quote ]
| One of Vista's big security features is 'User Account Protection'
| (or 'User Account Control') which pops up and asks for user
| authentication before software can make any administrative changes to
| the system. But the TweakVista utility can turn off UAP in one click...


Also in the news:

SudoWn brings Unix-like sudo to Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| SudoWn is more versatile than the built-in "Run as..." command. Programs
| are run as the user in question, rather than as another, more highly
| privileged user. The password for the Administrator account can stay
| secret, as the user needs only his own password to use sudoWn.


Gee, why not install CygWin? Or better yet -- upgrade to GNU/Linux.

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