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[News] Excellent News to Linux - Web's Largest Software Piracy Sites Intercepted

Web Site Owner Gets 7 Years for Piracy

,----[ Quote ]
| The owner of one of the nation's largest Internet software piracy Web
| sites has been sentenced to more than seven years in prison.


If only it was ironic that these Web sites, which in a sense promote
Microsoft's agenda, are prospering owing to SPAM, which is an epidemic made
possible thanks to Microsoft Windows, Outlook*, and Office design flaws.

Also see:

How Piracy Opens Doors for Windows

,----[ Article's summary ]
| Bill Gates may not be entirely dismayed by software thieves. They
| seed the world market and make Microsoft a standard.


Why piracy kills Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| Because for them, the price is the same.
| So, please, Microsoft, defend your own products, and don't allow users to
| use pirated versions. You'll be doing the best for the Open Source
| products.


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