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[News] Linux Offers Equal Opportunities, Through Freedom

Mark Shuttleworth can afford freedom

,----[ Quote ]
| Mark made gobs of money when he sold Thawte to VeriSign. ($700M to be
| exact.) This gives him wide latitude to do nice things like buy me an
| executive box at Arsenal (to which I'd generously grant him occasional
| access :-) and, closer to reality, to fund the building of an
| exceptional Linux distribution and give it away for free.

A comment grabbed my attention too:

,----[ Quote ]
| You can't imagine how accurately you just depicted me. My favorite books
| are all anti-capitalist (anything by John Steinbeck, for example), but
| I'm also disinclined to indulge sentimental pining the joys of
| collectivist poverty. I want money, but don't believe in crushing the
| little guy on the road to it....


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