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Re: [News] Microsoft's ASP is Dying

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> __/ [ Tim Smith ] on Sunday 10 September 2006 17:27 \__
>> In article <2hy0yggdf293.dlg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>  Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Foxpro isn't dead, in fact they just released a new community technology
>>> preview of the latest beta in June.
>> He thinks Foxpro is dead?  Man, what a maroon.  Out in the real world,
>> there are plenty of places actively using Foxpro.  In some industries,
>> it is the defacto standard.  For example, if you don't pay your bills,
>> and a collection agency comes after you, the chances are quite high that
>> the collection agency is maintaining your information using Foxpro.
>> Microsoft's committed to Foxpro support to at least 2015.
>> It's usually high enough at Tiobe's index to be an "A" language.
> Our University used Foxpro...

Universities have lots of things.

The idea being to educate and inform : not to hide & advocate ones
personal preferences.

Pascal sucks the big one, but it wasnt bad to teach structured
techniques. C++ sucks and is open to more abuse than a ginger stepchild,
but its not bad for teaching polymorphism. Everything has its place.

> ...it was killed two years ago. What an ugly experience that was... twice as
> bad as that newer front-end that constantly freezes and behaves quite
> erratically. And it's really ugly, too. Like all the generic Windows UI's.
> Thank goodness I quit that job. It was the only thing that still had me
> tapping on a Windows box 2-5 minutes a day.

And as for front-ends, you have already proved you know zilch about GUI
programming. You think multiple view panes is a new thing and uses less

	"Let go of my ears, I know what I'm doing!"

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