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Re: [News] Neil McAllister: "There is no stopping the open-source movement now"

This message was posted on Usenet, NOT JLAforums, & on  Sun, 10 Sep 2006
19:12:00 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ William Poaster ] on Sunday 10 September 2006 18:59 \__
>> This message was posted on Usenet, NOT JLAforums, & on  Sun, 10 Sep 2006
>> 17:50:35 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> __/ [ William Poaster ] on Sunday 10 September 2006 17:37 \__
>> <snip>
>>>> A troll just *has* to reply, even though they know *full* well that a
>>>> poster has them killfiled. Like a kid who has to have the last word,
>>>> IMO.
>>> Maybe I should add a filter to killfile direct replies to twits like
>>> Gary Stewart. But I don't know how to achieve this without the
>>> References header, which is easy to spoof.
>> If I read this correctly, Roy, you want to kf direct replies from
>> someone to Flatfish *only*, but leave their other posts untouched?
> Yes, it just seems to align with my reading habits anyway, so why not
> automate it? I hope you can offer help. I know you use Pan and are aware
> of KNode (KDE), but you said you were using Leafnode. 

Yes, I've used knode on the odd occasion. IMHO Leafnode seems to give
more, or extra, options to the newsreader. I've also automated it to fetch
& send messages with cron.  

> In KNode I use regular expressions to infer depth from the References,
> e.g. flatdomain\.fish>.*< is a follow-up to followup to self and
> flatdomain\.fish>$ is direct followup.

I see. I'll investigate what we can do. :-)

  Linux is not a desktop OS for people 
whose VCRs are still flashing  "12:00".
  That eliminates a lot of wintrolls then.

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