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flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Sat, 09 Sep 2006 22:06:22 -0400, DFS wrote:
>> He's completely desperate for attention, and is willing to say anything 
>> about MS and Windows, no matter how ridiculous it is.  What floors me is 
>> cola louts will argue endlessly with Erik Funkenbusch (who tears them a new 
>> one each time he posts) over the tiniest fact, but will let Rex Ballard's 
>> gargantuan lies slide, or will actually try to defend his schizoid rantings 
>> (spike1, bailo, Au79, Roy Schestowitz, nessuno).
> Erik is very intelligent and certainly has far more technical skills than
> any of the COLA nutsacks.
> This threatens them because they can't debate facts they can only holler
> accusations and insults.
> Erik destroys them every time and they know it so they attack his every
> word hoping to discredit him.
> It's really the only defense they have.
> Rex is pro Linux and that is all that matters.
> Schestowhich backing him up is absolutely hysterical and someday it will
> come back to haunt him.
>> What I find amusing is dummies like William Poaster mocking MCSE's (with the 
>> minesweeper consultant, solitaire expert stuff).  He would fail an MCSE exam 
>> miserably.
> Poaster is as thick as a brick.
> What else can you say about a guy who blathers on endlessly about his
> superior filters and then in effect replies to the people he supposedly
> has filtered, third party?

Willy Boaster is all wind and water : he cant filter people because he
has nothing to discuss other than those posters he feels are not loving
up to Roy sufficiently. And to see their posts he needs to leave them
unfiltered : even if he did know how to construct a proper filter.

Has he ever advocated Linux even once?

Keep out of reach of children.

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