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flatfish+++ wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Sep 2006 21:41:55 -0400, DFS wrote:
>> Rex Ballard wrote:
>> Here you go again, laying out very specific numbers when the truth
>> is you have no idea about any OEM contracts with Microsoft.  Is this
>> what a "visionary" does?
> Ballard is starting to sound like John Edwards, that guy who claims
> he can talk to the dead.
> It goes something like this:
> je: I see a man
> sucker: Ok
> je: Did you have a brother?
> Sucker: No.
> je: About your sister................
> and so forth.........

He's completely desperate for attention, and is willing to say anything 
about MS and Windows, no matter how ridiculous it is.  What floors me is 
cola louts will argue endlessly with Erik Funkenbusch (who tears them a new 
one each time he posts) over the tiniest fact, but will let Rex Ballard's 
gargantuan lies slide, or will actually try to defend his schizoid rantings 
(spike1, bailo, Au79, Roy Schestowitz, nessuno).

> More than likely the MSCE they will have to hire after they attempt to
> migrate to Linux and fsck things up.

What I find amusing is dummies like William Poaster mocking MCSE's (with the 
minesweeper consultant, solitaire expert stuff).  He would fail an MCSE exam 


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