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Re: Open source forums

__/ [ [H]omer ] on Sunday 10 September 2006 01:41 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ caitlinmckee@xxxxxxxxx ] on Friday 08 September 2006 22:38 \__
>>> Hi.
>>> We are looking to add forums to multiple pages in our website. We want
>>> our profile pages to each have a forum similar to the one found on
>>> MySpace profiles (in the MY Friends space where they can leave messages
>>> for each other). Our web designer said this would be very hard to do,
>>> so we are trying to find an open-source forum that would be similar.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Thanks!
>> vBulletin
>> phpBB
>> PunBB
>> All of theese are free and Open Source. Very versatile too (you'll be able
>> to achieve what you want).
> Er ... vBulletin is commercial software:
> .----
> | vBulletin License Agreement
> |
> | vBulletin ('the Software') is a copyrighted work of authorship and is
> | also protected under applicable database laws. Jelsoft retains
> | ownership of the Software and any copies of it, regardless of the
> | form in which the copies may exist. This licence is not a sale of the
> | original Software or any copies.
> |
> | By installing and using vBulletin on your server, you agree to the
> | following terms and conditions. Such agreement is either on your own
> | behalf or on behalf of any corporate entity which employs you or
> | which you represent ('Corporate Licensee'). In this Agreement, 'you'
> | includes both the reader and any Corporate Licensee and 'Jelsoft'
> | means Jelsoft Enterprises Limited:
> |
> | * vBulletin licence grants you the right to run one instance (a
> | single installation) of the Software on one web server and one web
> | site for each licence purchased. Each licence may power one instance
> | of the Software on one domain. For each installed instance of the
> | Software, a separate licence is required. Modifications to the
> | software or database to circumvent the one-license-one-board rule are
> | prohibited.
> `----
>  - http://www.vbulletin.com/order/license_agreement.php
> I use phpBB on my site, it is extremely easy to set up and maintain, the
> end results are great, and unlike vBulletin, it *is* FOSS.

I use phpBB myself (SPAM magnet, so I closed registration). I must have been
confused with regards to vBulletin licences. I read the following yesterday.


        vBMS Goes Open Source

Probably the 'junk food' use of "Open Source".

Best wishes,


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