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Re: [News] Good news, bad news

__/ [ The Ghost In The Machine ] on Saturday 09 September 2006 00:00 \__

> The good news:
> http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/09/07/ibm.supercomputer.reut/index.html
>   Supercomputer aiming for petaflop
>   WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- IBM will build a next-generation supercomputer
>   for the U.S. Energy Department with the potential to achieve a
>   sustained speed of 1,000 trillion calculations per second, or one
>   petaflop, the department said on Wednesday
>   ...
>   The machine is to be built entirely from commercially available
>   hardware and based on the Red Hat Linux Version 4.3 operating system,
>   it said.
>   ...
> The bad news:
> http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/ptech/09/07/school.of.future.ap/index.html
>   Windows HS: Microsoft designs a school system
>   PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (AP) -- Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates has
>   famously called high schools "obsolete" and warned about their effect
>   on U.S. competitiveness. Now, his company has a chance to prove that
>   it can help fix the woes of public education.
>   <snip>
>   ...
>   Students at the school must apply to college to get a diploma.
>   ...

For a moment there, owing to the subject line, I thought we were discussing
Episode 1 of Seinfeld. *smile* As for the 'bad news', it's Microsoft's
attempt to create a Microsoft dev factory. But people are not dumb, so they
will ultimately see through nd recoil in disgust. If Microsoft wants to turn
education into a self-serving tool, they'll be harshly criticised.

Developers are rapidly embracing Open Source programming, according to
several studies, so all Microsoft can do is pick the less fortunate and
offer education with a contract/obligation.

Best wishes,


Can Mac OS X and Vista catch up? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYjv0S_k0xo
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