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Re: [News] Good news, bad news

__/ [ Donn Miller ] on Saturday 09 September 2006 14:38 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> For a moment there, owing to the subject line, I thought we were
>> discussing Episode 1 of Seinfeld. *smile* As for the 'bad news', it's
>> Microsoft's attempt to create a Microsoft dev factory. But people are not
>> dumb, so they will ultimately see through nd recoil in disgust. If
>> Microsoft wants to turn education into a self-serving tool, they'll be
>> harshly criticised.
> Educators today face enough challenges.  It's more difficult than ever
> to keep students' attention long enough for them to learn.  Younger
> people (17 and under) get bored real easily.  It's almost like you've
> got to be an entertainer as well as teacher.  Teachers today have to
> pull out all the stops, and use Power Point and things like that in
> addition to a traditional lecture.  As a student, I don't think I'd like
> to see a regular "old-school" lecture with the guy writing on the board
> the entire time.  It's very difficult to write everything on the board
> fast enough and legible enough.  It takes too much time.  Better to do
> some presentation via computer, and save the board for things like
> examples.  Or, maybe perhaps project the overhead projector onto the
> board (provided it's the white dry-erase variety) and write some things
> over top of the image.
> Laptops are one of the hurdles teachers have to overcome/compete with.
> I can see attention spans were starting to lapse in the 80's, and even
> perhaps late 70's.  Today it's very difficult.  Having students in the
> class with laptops is not always good, because you can never tell what
> they're doing.  Are they emailing, browsing unrelated sites, or paying
> attention to the lecture?


Your post reminds me of the following:


        Is anyone listening? WiFi and the new ADD

I'm not opposing to use of technology in the classroom. /Au contraire/. I
never ever use paper because I am aware of the merits of digital,
'indexable' data. My critique refers to the branding of school, as well as
the spin. You can't permit education to be possessed by a company and have
people surrender or have their knowledge owned /per se/.


        Welcome to college, here's your Windows Live account

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Useless fact: 85% of plant life in in the oceans
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