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Re: Open Document Is an XML Format

__/ [ High Plains Thumper ] on Saturday 09 September 2006 23:27 \__

> Whilst saving a resume in Open Office Writer (word processor), I came
> across this in the help index:
> | XML File Formats
> |
> | By default, OpenOffice.org loads and saves files in the OpenDocument file
> | format.  The OpenDocument file format is an XML file format standardized
> | by OASIS (Oganization for the Advancement of Structured Information
> | Standards).
> |
> | OpenDocument file format names
> |
> | OpenOffice.org 2.0 uses the following file formats:
> |
> | Document format                       File extension
> | OpenDocument Text                     *.odt
> | OpenDocument Text Template            *.ott
> | OpenDocument Master Document          *.odm
> | HTML Document                         *.html
> | HTML Document Template                *.oth
> | OpenDocument Spreadsheet              *.ods
> | OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template     *.ots
> | OpenDocument Drawing                  *.odg
> | OpenDocument Drawing Template         *.otg
> | OpenDocument Presentation             *.odp
> | OpenDocument Presentation Template    *.otp
> | OpenDocument Formula                  *.odf
> | OpenDocument Database                 *.odb
> |
> | The HTML format is not an OpenDocument format.
> Microsoft has been trying to get approval of their XML format for
> documents. OpenOffice.org has already achieved this.

This makes Microsoft's last-minute attempt an impossibility, which is why
they wound up accepting ODF and had its support embedded as a plugin. They
got the code from SourceForge (AKA the "repository of 'communism'"), which
is ironic[1]. ODF is /THE/ ISO standard. Live with it. It's the one and only
future path for documents. It may be extended, much like CSS which is more a
draft/proposal, as opposed to an international standard. But it'll be
cumulative and backward-compatible, so your material will be openable 20
years down the line.

Best wishes,


[1] Also see:


"Virtualisation is the Next Big Thing in computing, and the lesson of Vista
is that Microsoft will have to embrace it to survive in the operating system
market. The trouble (for Microsoft) is that the leader in the technology is
Xensource, a spin-out from Cambridge University's Computer Laboratory. And
here's where the delicious ironies begin. For not only is the lab housed in
the William Gates Building (in recognition of a donation by the Microsoft
boss), but Xen's core technology is - wait for it! - open source, which in
Redmond is still viewed as the spawn of the communist devil."

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