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Re: Proof that SCO is Microsoft Sock Puppet, Propelled by Funnelled Microsoft Money

Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> yttrx@xxxxxxxxx (yttrx) writes:
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> The memos are, in general, worth exploring. They very well demonstrate why
>>> Microsoft recently decided to purge employee E-mails. There also contain
>>> open confessions about the inevitable rise of Linux and the invalidity of
>>> Microsoft-funded 'studies'.
>> One of my recent jobs was working for an organization that builds enormous
>> databases filled with corporate communications which become involved in litigation
>> in one way or another...including email among other things.
> I thought your most recent jobs involed being more big headed than Roy
> and saving the free world Billions every day? Either that or there's
> someone out there cleverer than you called "dickboy" too. We should be
> told.
> *plonk*.

I've done nothing to save the free world.  In fact, I believe the job 
I did for those lawyers quite meaningfully put another nail in its 

Which is precisely the reason I resigned.




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