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Re: 01/09/06 24 hrs

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx> espoused:
> After takin' a swig o' grog, markzoom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx belched out this bit o' wisdom:
>>> Well, on my TomTom, I just switch it on, and it works.
>>> On my Nokia N770, I just switch it on, and it works.
>>> On my Son's GP2X, he just switches it on, and it works.
>>> On our desktops, my children, myself, au-pair and wife just use them.
>>> When I find the complicated bit, I'll let everyone know.
>> I'm sure they just let you do all the complicated bits, and they'd be
>> using windows if you didn't.
> Why would they be using Windows?  They'd have to take the time to learn
> it, and they've already learned their way around their Linux systems.

I was with the new ICT support guy at school whilst he was training the
ICT technician in the new server setup.  It took him over two hours just
to explain how the new printer setup works, where the new storage is,
where the apps can be found and what will have to be done, by hand, one
at a time, to each PC in the ICT suite in order to make them functional.

This guy is /very/ good, a huge leap forward from the previous support
company.  Afterwards, I spent about 1/2 hour with him showing him the
IMAP mail server I'd install a few months back, showed him how to edit
the scripts to put the machine into the new IP address range, and showed
him how it had two addresses on the one interface, and how the routeing
tables were built.  We changed the passwords and bits on the script
which uses samba to backup files to the windows server, and he suggested
he create a new partition to store the mail file backups.

Went to the windows server, created a partition, tried to format it, and
he got an "internal error".  Oops.  Tried to delete the new partition,
and the GUI went completely to sleep for about 6-7 mins (we did some
more work on the linux machine) before re-emerging to inform us that new
hardware had been detected and did we want to reboot now?!  

This is a new install, the windows machine's only been up for 2 weeks,
and already, it has major problems...  now, they could be hardware
problems, or anything else, but because it's windows, there's
essentially no way of finding out what the root cause is.

Anyway, we decided to back up the mail server on an existing partition,
in its own directory - in this case, in an administrator area, so that
normal users would not accidentally delete the backups.

We noted that I'd installed the mail server in December 2005, and
there'd been zero problems or maintenance since, excepting changing the
samba password and the work we just did to move it into a new subnet.

He was so impressed with the simplicity and reliability of the Linux
box, and so keen to learn about this stuff, that he's going to build a
linux server at home, with soft-raid and lvm (I explained about this and
he was stunned), with no gui, because he's totally sick of driving
between sites to do things which he'd rather do remotely.

I'll be installing Dan's Guardian as a web filter next week with the
support guy.

I will keep eveyone informed of the progress, although I noted one of
Roy's news items yesterday showed that Oxford County Council have gone
Linux for schools.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
Law of the Jungle:
	He who hesitates is lunch.

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