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Re: [News] Praise Microsoft and Get a Taste of Reality

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
| "You sound as if you're suffering from 'Stockholm Syndrome,'" wrote
| Ken Davies. "Microsoft has actually set all of us back by years and
| possibly by decades."

I tend to agree. Microsoft has held back innovation from a rate that might have been possible given a rational approach to machine/software development. But while Microsoft was busy innovating and gaining market clout, Unix vendors - who could have challenged Microsoft - spent their time suing each other over an ever decreasing slice of the market pie.

Linux is just another inept and failed attempt to bring the Unix failure to the masses.

Unix ShitLickers just can't seem to learn from their past mistakes, and keep repeating them over, and over and over again.

Unix is the OS that will never be ready for prime time. It will always be the Shit Stick that it is today.

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