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[News] Praise Microsoft and Get a Taste of Reality

Praising Microsoft - and attacked by wolves

,----[ Snippets ]
| "That you can use the word 'virtue' in the same sentence as 'Microsoft'
| is clear indication that you haven't a clue. Then again, you do write
| for Fortune, so your alliance no doubt leans toward corporations and
| shareholders rather than users," wrote Walter Bazzini, whose Web
| site, perhaps revealingly, is entitled "Misanthrope Manor."
| "You sound as if you're suffering from 'Stockholm Syndrome,'" wrote
| Ken Davies. "Microsoft has actually set all of us back by years and
| possibly by decades."
| "Your painfully revisionist history makes you sound like one of
| the 20-something journalists who wasn't actually around since the 80s,"
| wrote Norman Gilmore, who really knows how to hurt a guy.
| Some of the letters were not only passionate but extremely well written
| and thoughtful. Here's more, for example, from Gilmore, who neatly
| summarizes the objections of quite a few writers:
| "Gee, I thought ARPA funded the research leading to TCP/IP, Tim
| Berners-Lee invented the Web, and Marc Andreessen led the creation of
| the graphical browser at [the University of Illinois]. I thought Apple
| started the personal computing revolution, Xerox invented graphical
| interfaces and IBM invented the PC. Microsoft BASIC - oh yeah, a
| language invented at Dartmouth by Kemeny and Kurtz. MS-DOS? Tim
| Patterson wrote what became MS-DOS, itself a CP/M clone.
| "And THEN Bill Gates wrote his famous memo, which summarized as -


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