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Re: Moving Hosting company - whats the best way without screwing SERPS

Paul <lamewolf2004[REMOVE]@yahoo.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 03 Sep 2006 18:49:00 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Of course, you could otherwise accpet the consequqnce of having a
>>different IP address. Search engines /may/ perceive that as fishy, but
>>probably would not. 
> Then it *could* affect SERPs :/

I think that the issue Roy talks about is only important when your site is 
very recent. Then changing IP addresses often might be considered fishy, 
especially if a site moves from country to country :-)

But IMO, if your domain name is associated for some time with non-fishy 
activities, I think this issue doesn't play any role or an extremely minor 

I am interested in the outcome, since I am somewhat in the same club :-)

> Still, it wouldn't be for long though as it should all be done within
> a day or two.

My best guess (mind the guess) is that you will hardly notice any effect 
other then the log of your new server showing for 24 hrs less visitors 
then you expected. A customer recently moved a hand full of sites to a 
different server, and I can't recall he had any drops in traffic, nor 
changes in SERPs. OTOH, since all his sites got major updates in order to 
get more visitors it might have been that the positive boost just filled 
up the negative holes :-)

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