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Re: [News] Microsoft is "Rushing" Vista Tests, Automates Reboots

__/ [ Peter Hayes ] on Sunday 03 September 2006 11:24 \__

> On Sun, 3 Sep 2006 11:01:24 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote
> (in article <7941742.ouuNeuNqxc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>):
>> A recipe for (yet another) disaster?
>> Rush Testing Is Under Way for Microsoft's New System
>> ,----[  ]
>>> Microsoft rushed what may be the final test version of its Windows
>>> Vista operating system to more than a million testers on Friday, trying
>>> to meet deadlines for its long-delayed commercial release.
>>> [...]
>>> In the interview posted by Microsoft, Mr. Hallauer said Vista would have
>>> fewer dreaded "blue screens of death," in which the operating system
>>> freezes and leaves the user with a blue display screen. Instead, Vista
>>> will automatically recover from such freezes and start over, without
>>> forcing the user to restart the system manually.
>> `----
>> 6e77d87d4bec&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss
>> Notice the deceptive use of words. By "fewer dreaded blue screens of
>> death" what he means to say is that the system would just die (reboot)
>> without user intervention, which is possibly worse (no verbosity for
>> debugging or diagnostics). Indeed, it is doing to be a Visaster (sic).
> Hmmmm....
> I thought XP had that system already, or is this Microsoft re-innovating?

The last time I used Windows (XP) was in Easter. I can recall BSoD leading to
an automatic reboot.

> Another quote,
> ³Teams are working superhard right now,² he said in the interview. ³Teams
> are working 50, 60, 70 hours a week to go ship this RC1 milestone.²
> That's when the really serious mistakes are made.

I read that too. No vacations either if you look closely... these seem to be
frowned upon. Ballmer offered more towels half a year ago (no kidding!), but
a sad employee is a poorly-performing employee. With a 6-month threshold for
automated E-mail purge, no wonder all the good programmers are departing,
leaving the rookies with seriously unmaintainable code (according to Vista
testers, as well as Allchin). Who will stay there to rewrite 60% of the
Windows source code? This project has not yet begun and it's highly
essential. Allchin is set to retire when Vista ships (no wonder!) and it's
evident that Windows is crumbling. OpenOffice and other tools with ODF
affinity grab the other cash cow into the dark alley and give it a blow. The
XBox? That's like a cash cow put upside-down (think piggybank). And Zune is
said to be headed in the same direction, according to analysts.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Play Reversi: http://othellomaster.com
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