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[News] Fortune/NCC on Intel, Microsoft, and Monopolist Behaviour

Intel's worst nightmare

,----[ Quote ]
| Dwindling market share isn't the No. 1 chipmaker's only problem,
| says Fortune's Roger Parloff. It needs to mount a fierce defense to
| AMD's epic antitrust lawsuit.
| [...]
| In June 2000 a federal judge found that Microsoft had illegally
| maintained its monopoly on PC operating systems and ordered BillG
| ates' company split in two. A year later, however, portions of the
| ruling were overturned, and Microsoft then settled-avoiding a breakup.
| [...]
| In the days ahead we'll be hearing much about this suit-the most
| important antitrust case since U.S. v. Microsoft (Charts) in 1998-anda
| bout related probes of, or actions against, Intel now taking place in
| the European Union, Japan, and Korea.
| [...]
| What is monopolistic behavior?
| Yet the suit is commanding the attention of the global business community
| for another reason too. It's seen as a bellwether for a mega-issue
| roiling competition law today: Assuming for the sake of argument that
| Intel did do what AMD alleges, is that illegal?
| For while there is wide consensus among antitrust experts about the
| harmfulness and, consequently, illegality of collusive activity among
| competitors - e.g., cartelization, bid-rigging, price-fixing-there is
| no comparable agreement about conduct by one very big competitor acting
| alone. 
| What's still largely undefined is precisely when tactics by such a
| player cross the line from vigorous competition into unlawful preservationo
| f a monopoly (the American term) or abuse of dominance (the Europeant
| erm). The ambiguous outcome of the U.S. government's case against
| Microsoft - whose practices were condemned, but narrowly, and punished,
| but lightly - has spurred more debate than it has quelled.


Also see:

German anti-trust officials received complaint against Intel

,----[ Quote ]
| The Financial Times claimed the FCO has in its possession a letter from
| a Saturn employee that implied Intel gave the retailer financial
| incentives not to stock AMD-based PCs.


,----[ Quote ]
| ...PC makers remain loyal to (read: scared of) Microsoft.


As Novell's CEO recently said:

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp is using scare tactics to exert pressure on PC vendors
| not to explore the potential of desktop Linux, according to Novell
| Inc president and COO, Ron Hovsepian


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