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[News] Proof that Windows is Not Ready for the Desktop

Switching from KDE to WinXP

,----[ Quote ]
| You probably do not use your computer in the same way I use mine. That
| is exactly why a rich and configurable feature set is so important --
| everyone will have different situations, different preferences, and
| different ways of using their computers. A feature-rich, configurable
| desktop like KDE allows people to work how they want to work. The MS
| Windows XP desktop is more of a "one size fits all" or "any color as long
| as it is black" desktop. One with limited features. Some people may not
| mind that; I do. Surprisingly, I have yet to find any feature in WinXP
| that made me say "Wow! I wish KDE could do that."


Very detailed, well-reasoned, and filled with screenshots to serve as backing

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