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[News] Scary Scenario: Migration (Downgrade) from Linux to Windows XP

Howto switch from Linux to Windows - a users experience

,----[ Quote ]
| I've heard of a new Operating System called Microsoft Windows the other
| day and wanted to give it a try because it is said to be easy to use and
| intuitive. Unfortunately the author offers no live-cd to test everything
| before I have to install. Instead of downloading it from the Internet as I 
| always do I had to go to the computer store and buy it...
| [...]
| There was no firewall or anti-virus software installed and I felt a bit 
| insecure when I first entered the web. I surfed for maybe two minutes 
| before I received a message from "Al Dick" who offered a six-year-ration of 
| Viagra...


I have read something similar before. The applications were said to be
terrible and overpriced, yet it went far beyond this point.

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