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[News] Linux Enemy Mysteriously Resurrected

Canopy makes a comeback

,----[ Quote ]
| A $3.9 million investment in Solera Networks marks the business's rebirth 
| as a heavy technology investor
| [...]
| It has been a long, strange road back for Canopy. Founded in 1995 by
| former Novell President Ray Noorda, its reputation began to tarnish
| with negative reaction to the $5 billion federal lawsuit filed in 2003
| against IBM by its then-subsidiary, the SCO Group.
| Backed by Canopy CEO Ralph Yarro III, SCO's suit - scheduled for trial
| next February - alleged Big Blue had illegally released SCO's Unix code
| into versions of the "open source," or freely distributed, Linux operating
| system.
| Linux is seen as a challenger to Microsoft's Windows, so SCO's claims that
| it was tainted stirred antagonism in the open source community worldwide.
| SCO's accompanying, albeit short-lived, campaign to force Linux users to
| buy licenses to avoid being sued drew more ire, and the company's Web site
| was subsequently.



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