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Re: [News] Self-tuning Linux Kernel

__/ [ ed ] on Tuesday 19 September 2006 19:06 \__

> On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 18:46:41 +0100
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Inside the self-tuning "Genetic" Linux
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Although it's been around for a while, the genetic library and
>> | its associated kernel plugins by Jake Moilanen have again surfaced
>> in some | of the more recent cutting-edge kernels....
>> | 
>> | ...I don't know why, but this sounds fascinating to me -- imagine a
>> | gateway box (and ultimately, built-in Linux based routers) being
>> able tot | une kernel (and presumably, TCP/IP) parameters on the fly
>> based on Layer | 7 classified traffic: different settings for VoIP,
>> games with UDP, P2P | file sharing, browsing and so on, all
>> dynamically implemented on the | fly.
>> `----
>> http://tinyurl.com/ejhps
> This sounds awesome.
> One of the guys in the office where i work said he was going to use some
> similar algorithms in a popular OS project that he works on.
A "genetic" desktop environment comes to mind as well. Let me see if I can
find an article that springs to mind. It's quite recent.

Sci-Fi: A New Kind of OS

,----[ Quote ]
| Consider the obvious advantages to an operating system that actually
| morphed and adapted to the needs of the users instead of the other way
| around. Not only is there no such OS like this, the very idea goes
| against much of what we are currently seeing in the current OS options in
| the market.


Oh! Took just 5 seconds to find (filter by 'adapt'). Worth a read if you
haven't come across the concept before. It's natural to expect some more UI
and sophistication that complements one's mind while operating a PC.

Best wishes,


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