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Re: [News] Microsoft Shoots Self in Foot, Halts Piracy

If MS doesn't battle piracy, you cola louts whine "getting people addicted 
and locked in then charging them!"  waaaa!!!

When MS does battle piracy, you post smarmy threads.

Good boy, good "advocate".  Here's a pig ear to chew on.

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Microsoft files 20 software lawsuits
> ,----[ Quote ]
>> The lawsuits, filed against 20 defendants throughout the United
>> States, are against companies that allegedly distributed counterfeit
>> software or software components or participated in hard-disk
>> loading, Microsoft
>> said.
> `----
> http://yahoo.reuters.com/news/articlehybrid.aspx?storyID=urn:newsml:reuters.com:20060919:MTFH42172_2006-09-19_07-15-44_WEN5596&type=comktNews&rpc=44
> http://tinyurl.com/lf5rj
> Also see:
> Why piracy kills Open Source
> ,----[ Quote ]
>> Because for them, the price is the same.
>> So, please, Microsoft, defend your own products, and don't allow
>> users to use pirated versions. You'll be doing the best for the Open
>> Source products.
> `----
> http://youmaybeinterrupting.com/desktop.php?view&postid=12&a=apps%2FBlog%3B%3B
> Hong Kong broadcaster wins piracy case in China
> ,----[ Quote ]
>> China is one of the world's counterfeiting hotspots, with anything
>> from the unlicensed manufacture of branded clothing to the broadcast
>> of movies and television shows without permission a concern to
>> international efforts to clamp down on the multi-billion-dollar
>> trade.
> `----
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060918/tc_afp/hongkongchinapiracymediainternetjustice
> http://tinyurl.com/e7cgm
> China reports major anti-piracy move
> ,----[ Quote ]
>> The destroyed items were confiscated in the first half of an ongoing
>> 100-day nationwide campaign against piracy, the Xinhua News Agency
>> said... `----  

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