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[News] Zombies Could Lead to Cyberstorm, Jeopardise (Inter)National Security

Homeland Security not ready for Cyber Storm

,----[ Quote ]
| In June, the Business Roundtable issued a report saying that "the
| United States is not sufficiently prepared for a major attack, software
| incident or natural disaster that would lead to disruption of large parts
| of the Internet" and that coordinating a response to such an attack
| or disaster should be turned over to the Department of Homeland
| Security.


Windows botnets can paralyse the Internet infrastructure if properly
used/targetted, rather than gain profits through extortions (DDOS attacks)
and SPAM (E-mail, referrer, comments and so forth).

It was only over a month ago that Homeland Security liaised with Microsoft to
issue a warning with regards to severe flaws in Windows. The operating
system has back doors that have been breached.

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