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Re: My first killfile entry

begin  risky.vbs
	B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> My own opinion is almost the complete opposite of your own.

I hate to feed the fish, but me too. :-)

> However, may I just point out that Roy has made the process
> delightfully easy for you with his "[News]" headers.
> I just wish that certain individuals, and all their nyms, would be
> equally considerate and use a "[troll]" header!

Hehe, but apart from the nym shifters they are so easy to killfile.
Even some of the nym shifters are so stupid that it is easy no matter
what nym they use.

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as
false, and by rulers as useful." -- Seneca the Younger (4? BC - 65 AD)

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