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Re: [News] Is Windows Vista a Virus?

There is nothing wrong with your PC... do not attempt
to adjust the picture... we will control the horizontal, and the vertical.
For the next minute, sit quietly,
and we will control all that you see and hear. 7 wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> New virus worth $80bn to EC economies
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | I've already written EU competition commissioner Neelie Kroes
>> | complaining that delays to my virus (e.g. by virus scanners) could
>> | harm European competitiveness. That's logical, isn't it? We would have
>> | a head start. It will take the United States at least half a year to
>> | catch up! And the process is completely automated on top of that! Itw
>> | on't even cost you a penny!
>> `----
>> http://thebeez.vnunetblogs.com/the_beez_speaks/2006/09
> new_virus_worth.html
> Windopes crapola is a virus.
> When installing on a multiboot machine, it deletes multi-boot
> information like a virus of other installed OSes illegally
> in a monopolistic anti-trust way to gain market share which
> otherwise it would have to concede to pre-installed OSes on the PC.
> This is a matter for anti-trust and monopoly abuse.
> I'm surprised no other manufacturer of OSes haven't
> complained, particularly as SuSE and Ubuntu as well as
> many other distros don't wipe pre-installed OSes boot
> information.
> To recover the deleted information, a procedure similar
> to removing a virus has to be followed to bring the
> PC back into normal operation.
> Thus, Micoshaft is an illegal manufacturer and distributor
> of viruses. All its officials should be rounded up and
> held for questioning in a police station and all their stocks seized
> and destroyed as virus. They should not be allowed
> to sell their wares again until the offending viral
> programs have been removed.
> The technology is certainly out there.
> Script kiddies are routinely arrested and convicted
> on similar charges.
> There should be no exception simply because micoshaft
> happens to be a big company does not make it above the law.

Problem is, big companies /write/ the laws these days.
Check audits of any Congressman. You'll see kickbacks, bribes, stock options
relevant to their constituencies and offices, and a big fuckoff car in the
parking lot that gets twenty yards to the gallon.

How do you think the DMCA got through, making copyright infringement
(previously a civil offence only, only subject to financial sanctions for
the accused) a /federal/ offence (by virtue of the criminal charge of
*This required a revisionist definition of the term "piracy" to exclude
rape, torture, shark infested waters, armed robbery and murder.
Some people are like Slinkies; they serve no specific purpose, but they
bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
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