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Re: The Nindows Fista XPerience

  • Subject: Re: The Nindows Fista XPerience
  • From: "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2006 11:34:46 -0400
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: BellSouth Internet Service
  • References: <bdgut3-c3j.ln1@sky.matrix> <1158473159.523934.217780@e3g2000cwe.googlegroups.com> <1565452.4hTxERgAeP@schestowitz.com>
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1155842
Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ Rex Ballard ] on Sunday 17 September 2006 07:05 \__

>> The challenge for Microsoft is that if they wait too long to get it
>> out, Linux, Unix, and Macs could completely capture the 64 bit
>> desktop, and dual-core 32 bit machines will be running "co-resident"
>> Linux and Windows.  Linux could become the Xen controller and XP would
>> become a
>> Xen client.

I kind of doubt it.... OK, I completely and totally doubt it because it's

> Windows Vista is said to be "feature complete". Meanwhile,
> Linux vendors are preparing to take over.

ROFL!  Linux vendors *might* be able to take over and run hot dog stands... 
at least they'll get paid for their efforts.  "Mustard, relish!"

> The release of Vista will be a significant catalyst.

For many tens of millions of people to upgrade or buy new systems w/ Vista

> Linspire Offers Cash Incentive for Pre-Installing Linux on Desktop
> Computers

What, no whining about coercion, OEM extortion, payoffs, anti-competitive
actions, bullying, illegal contracts...

Hypocrite Linux user.

> I can't help but feel that Microsoft is deliberately pushing the
> limit or programmers build the O/S in the least efficient way. I can
> doing fine with 256 MB and 512 MB of RAM.

You're doing fine *for Linux*.

> The price tag on Vista-ready machines will be/is very high,

Not at all.  Vista-capable systems will be cheaper than ever.

> so Linux offers will not be overlooked or ignored.

Vista will further shut the door on desktop Linux.  Wanna bet?  C'mon, let's
have a friendly wager.

Rex said:
>> Again, some of this might be debug code, but clearly XGL is shifting
>> the balance in favor of Linux as the primary Operating system.

Your prescription must've run out.

Rex said:
>> Microsoft may have to offer Xen, VMWare, and User Mode capabilities
>> to stay in the marketplace and displace the Windows 9x, NT, and XP
>> systems already deployed.

Nothing but absurd blathering, better known as Rex's specialty.

Roy said:
> That must be the reason behind the joining with XenSource.

Yeah, that's it.

> That route to Diplay Settings has always been counter-intuitive.

Right-clicking to access the properties of the object is perfectly
intuitive.  My guess is MS invented it (way back in OS/2).

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