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Re: [News] Linux to Gain Traction as China Cracks Down on Software Piracy

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> __/ [ [H]omer ] on Sunday 17 September 2006 11:18 \__
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> China reports major anti-piracy move
>> Echoing my sentiments recently given to ex-Win98 users:
>> On behalf of the Open Source community, I'd like to welcome 1.3 billion
>> new Linux users.
> But where will they get support? Oh, wait. The next-door neighbour uses
> Linux.
> The adoption will have exponential rates.

I thought this was Flatfish or DFS having a joke for a minute.

My god : you're serious!


When and if the "common man" comes to Linux, expect a lot of OSS
developers to jump ship as million and millions of ECRs and pure bugs
get requested/reported.

Of course, had there just been some "main" distros then maybe the
developer base and "advocate" base would have been strong enough to
cope. As it is, what *is* Chinese for "retard" or "too stupid to use
Linux" or "RTFM Windoofus".

Think of the hits you'll get Roy : and god help you if you mislead the
Chinks .. they don't forget a slight.

Professional driver on closed track.

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