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Re: [News] Ohio LinuxFest Growing Bigger

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ohio LinuxFest 2006: Plans, presentations, and penguins
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Attendance at Ohio LinuxFest has grown steadily, with last year's
> | numbers topping out at over 750. "We hope to attract more than 1,000
> | attendees this year, which we believe is achievable, given the feedback
> | we received in 2005," says head organizer Mike Meffie. In fact, interest
> | in the conference is so strong that the block of 100 hotel rooms reserved
> | at the Holiday Inn City Center has already sold out, so the organizers
> | have arranged for additional rooms at the nearby Midwest Hotel &
> | Conference Center.
> `----
> http://community.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/09/08/1432229

This is the sort of anecdotal evidence that simply confirms my 
impression of continuing Linux growth.  It's not just the market
share surveys with their consistent double digit year-over-year
growth... I keep running into Linux in more places, finding more
people talking about it on the job.  I've even encountered more
Linux users in casual situations, like at the recent Highland 
Games in Waukesha, WI (several people stopped me to comment on 
my Penguin Computing t-shirt).

It's why the anti-Linux trolls are beginning to sound just about
as ridiculous as the global warming deniers.  When you can see
the evidence with your own eyes, you just can't take the nay-
sayers very seriously any more.



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