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Re: More Linux Hypocrisy From Roy Schestowhich

In comp.os.linux.advocacy flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Linux nutsacks love to pick on Internet Explorer for all kinds of reasons,
> most of them jealousy because they know that the vast majority of web
> sites are designed to work well with Internet Explorer because it is the #
> 1 browser.
> So why are they squealing with joy when they can now run Internet Explorer
> under Linux (actually under Whino and Linux) ?

Well, if you absolutely must run IE, at least running it under Wine/Linux
would provide an extra security sandbox and minimize any damage it might
cause.  Personally, I've used firefox/mozilla almost exclusively for
several years now and not had any significant problems with viewing web
content.  I used to run into the occasional IE only site, but web 
designers seem to be catching on to the downside of that; I've not
encountered one in quite some time.

The last memorable problem was with my bank.  After a site upgrade, it
stopped working in firefox.  I told them in no uncertain terms that I
refused to use IE for online banking (in fact it was not really an
option since I usually web surf on Linux) and was considering moving
my business and personal accounts to another bank.  They had it fixed 
rather quickly and even called me back to make sure it worked.  I
suspect I was not the only one complaining.



P.S. Firefox stats keep climbing in my web logs.  :)

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