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Re: Linux-for-education beta released

Hadron Quark wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> __/ [ Au79 ] on Saturday 09 September 2006 06:19 \__
>>> Tectonic - South Africa
>>> By Staff Writer. OpenLab, a Linux distribution widely used in education
>>> environments, today released a beta of the forthcoming OpenLab 4
>>> release. ...
>>> <http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1152>
>> They'll face some 'competition' from other similar distribution, Edubuntu
>> included. But it's good to have choice because it promotes better value
>> and peer-inspiration.
> Whats so special about this release/distro that warrants people working
> on it, over, say, working on a proven "out there" distro like Suse,
> redhat or Ubuntu?

So you are telling us what should be used/developed?

> This distro thing is getting out of control. 

Nope. If those distros where not used by people, they would vanish

> It is going to kill Linux. 

Why does that bother a wintroll like you?
If it where true, that is. It naturally is just bullshit, spouted by
flatfish and you
Only two things are infinite,
 the Universe and Stupidity.
And I'm not quite sure about the former.
        - Albert Einstein

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