mwatters_newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Try it and see? I came here seeking advice from suposedly knowlagable
> Linux professionals and I get "try it and see". That's a technical
> breakdown if I ever heard one...
"Linux professionals"?? That was your first mistake, Jack. There's no
such thing as a Linux professional. There's Linux hobbiests, Linux
hobbiests who make money off of it, and Unix professionals who dabble
in Linux.
> I was hoping for more of an enthusiastic plug here describing how linux
> has everything I need. Not just "search freshmeat, dude, you'll find
> lots of shit".
That's kind of the problem.. There's a gazillion brazillion fucktillion apps
for Lunix, with most of them being graphical frontends for "grep" or "find",
or some stupid thing. The rest are shitty clones of existing windows
software that's two steps behind.
If you know the particular type of app you're looking for, it's not usually
too hard to find the predominant Linux equivalent with a web search.
Although there may be 20 shitty wanna-be clones, there's likely only a few
that people are raving about. If you're not sure what you want, don't
bother spelunking freshmeat - You WILL get lost, and your family will find
you pale, starved, and friendless, months later.
> This is an advocacy group, right?
Sort of. Although advocacy kind of gets lost in among the zealotry,
rivalry, mockery, and pedantry.
> >
> > >Basically, what's the best distro nowdays for a person who doesn't
> > >want to spend a whole lot of time configuring, just install and go?
> >
> > That depends. I prefer SuSE, because it comes with a lot of software
> > in the box and I don't have broadband. Dead rat was bog easy the last
> > time I installed it. Others have said good things about other
> > distributions. Try anything but Caldera/SCO.
> Ok, some advice. Thanks.
Let me simplify smool's verbal diarrhea: Download Ubuntu. It's one of the
most popular distros for new users, and is one of the more agreeable Lunixes.
It's got a lovely interface, both functionally and visually, and comes with
some great software by default.
> > What's flooding the group is articles by wintrolls, and those are by
> > no means limited to the [news] posts.
> Unfortunately, the [news] articles are posted one after another in huge
> blocks of spam. Kinda puts a damper on the group.
Ironically, the news/spam that smool refers to as "wintroll" comes from
one of our local Lunix Advocates. smool is one of the zealots that thinks
that the sun rises and sets on lunix, and believes that anyone who disagrees
is some sort of Windows-enslaved automaton, possibly in the pay of Microsoft.
> So I have to adjust my personal preference in order to aviod spam?
It's usenet dude. Like the chinese guy said: Take what you need, discard
the rest.
"Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing...after they
have exhausted all other possibilities."
- Winston Churchill