After takin' a swig o' grog, Edwards belched out this bit o' wisdom:
> On 2006-09-27, Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:47:16 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> There you go breaking copyright laws again.
>> I especially like the part at the bottom where you fraudulently claim
>> Microsoft has copyrighted your work.
> If Roy really wrote the content of that page, parody or otherwise,
> then he's free to cede copyright to whomever he wants.
I would have tweaked the logo and the bottom matter a little, so it
could be determined (for those lead-heads like Erik that don't know what
a URL is) that the page wasn't really an MS page.
>> Parody protection does not extend to fraud, nor does it allow you to copy
>> images (such as logo's) that are copyrighted works without permission.
> Surely the logo is a _trademark_ issue, not copyright? (Even there,
> I've seen far more blatant "violations" in, say, The Onion.)
I think Roy's page
is funny as hell.
I'd have changed that fellow's name to "Erik", though, and given him an
even more doofussy look.
I mean, come on, Erik is just acting fucking DUMB here.
Where do you think you're going today?