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Re: OT: Warning: a1b3r7a_lady@salmahayeksknockers.edu (a.k.a Daniel Swan) is an infamous Net kook

  • Subject: Re: OT: Warning: a1b3r7a_lady@salmahayeksknockers.edu (a.k.a Daniel Swan) is an infamous Net kook
  • From: Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 18:28:49 +0200
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:/NG8eNrCpy86OMBsuTYDel4TKOY=
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: CERN LHC - http://public.web.cern.ch/public/
  • References: <kmgfu3-742.ln1@sky.matrix> <ef39c101s8m@news2.newsguy.com> <bfofu3-jk3.ln1@sky.matrix> <4231144.2cDyKycnio@schestowitz.com> <4nlta9Fatr4mU1@individual.net> <1840114.OjrFzQ87Xf@schestowitz.com> <87eju1y5jk.fsf@geemail.com> <8byRg.11473$tR4.461@newsfe10.lga>
  • User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1159536
flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Sun, 24 Sep 2006 11:31:27 +0200, Hadron Quark wrote:
>> Ditto. Hadn't seen much from you. Working on your prototype for a "free
>> search engine"? After all, in OSS world , millions will run to you and
>> program it for you. Only problem is, is that you don't have a design. As
>> usual with so many initiatives, its just a load of hot air, a web site
>> and a half assed, poorly constructed WIKI.
>> Way to go.
>> http://iuron.com/search/
>> LOL.
> Yea what a mess!!
> What is that thing?
> Guess with all of Roy's spamming he doesn't have too much time to work on
> it.
> Hey, here's an idea!!!
> Why not let the open sores programmers do all the work and then he can
> market it?
> Oh, you already came up with that idea.
> Oh well.

No, credit where credit is due, it was actually Roy's
idea. Unsurprisingly. Even though he "has experience programming GUIs"
and could do it himself no doubt. I could eat him for breakfast if he
tries a pissing competition about GUI programming : but lets not stop
our Roy posturing for the gang.

Let me find his call to arms for Rex and co to come and create his new
"free" search engine (which begs the question, which one does he pay

/Roy Voice on
Ah yes, here it is. Which reminds me, I'm a pretentious prat.
/Roy voice off


| Since Iuron is an Open Source project, rapid assemblage and construction
| of the libraries would be rapid, making use of existing projects that
| fall under the General Public Licence (GPL). In return, Iuron will
| provide a potentially distributed environment, wherein any idle computer
| across the world can assist crawling and report back to a main knowledge
| repository. Think of it as a public-driven reciprocal effort to process
| and then centralise human knowledge. 

The mind boggles. How will this man ever, ever get a job in the real

Check the wordiness as he started off:


| Let us think of the Internet as a collection of complex, inter-related
| information. More cohesively, it takes an immense number of hypotheses
| and thus can contain valid, consistent knowledge. Although we can
| process (scan) all the information, higher-level knowledge, which is
| derived from collection of pages, is still missing. There is enough
| knowledge across the World Wide Web to answer more or less any question,
| assuming it is not subjective. All that is done at present is word
| indexing with the notion of word proximity.

2 out of 10. And the 2 are for the bollox to write such pretentious
claptrap. Would anyone care to break it down so it makes sense? Hey,
maybe we could try the engine itself!!!! Hold on ....


Nope. It didn't work. I guess its still in beta ....

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