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Re: Review: OpenOffice Writer is ok because it's free.

  • Subject: Re: Review: OpenOffice Writer is ok because it's free.
  • From: Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 17:41:50 +0200
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:WDWUWAQ/ncEckKTj2d6F6x8jML8=
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: CERN LHC - http://public.web.cern.ch/public/
  • References: <6378504.BmughhReFX@schestowitz.com> <a9xRg.11463$tR4.7903@newsfe10.lga> <RfxRg.24114$r61.7628@text.news.blueyonder.co.uk> <9287340.tknSN7tjXc@schestowitz.com>
  • User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1159494
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> __/ [ 7 ] on Sunday 24 September 2006 16:12 \__
>> asstroturfer flatfish+++ wrote on behalf of micoshaft:
>>> On Sun, 24 Sep 2006 09:19:51 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> OpenOffice.org Writer
>>>> ,----[ Overall ]
>>>> | I'm pretty happy with Open Office. I definitely wouldn't pay $200 for
>>>> | it -- but I would happily use it instead of Word, even if Word came
>>>> | free. However, if I already have Word set up to be as minimally
>>>> | obnoxious as possible, I'm not going to install Open Office to replace
>>>> | it.
>>> Translation:
>>> I love this Yugo that I found for free.
>>> I wouldn't pay $40,000 for it like I did for my Porsche but it's not
>>> bad for free.
>>> Interesting though how Linux is free, but usage is still dismal.
>> This kind of asstroturfing on behalf of micoshaft is out of date.
>> The Linux experience and windope experience has been the same
>> for the past few months.
>> Products like Open Office make the user experience the same.
>> You should download and switch to Linux
>> http://www.livecdlist.com
>> http://www.distrowatch.com
>> and save yourself from having to pay for micoshaft licenses.
>> If you must pay for 24/7 support, then buy a RHat, SuSE or Mandriva etc
>> license.
> Same experience? For the past few months? I beg to differ. I sometimes see
> some Windows users at work. They regularly need to reboot, then
> restoring a

You are a prove liar, a plagiariser and a proven copyright abuser. Who
would believe anything you say?

> desktop one application at the time. They are also forced to tolerate a
> desktop environment that reduces productivity, and even spend time
> 'maintaining' the machine with FS checks, anti-virus software, you name
> it...


> Oh yeah... and they are always low on cash. Proprietary lines of code are
> being *gasp* charged for.

No they are not : because they invest in working SW to do real work
which generates them an income. They dont spend 8 hours a day RTFM'ing.

> No manual is ever necessary.
May I politely interject here: BULLSHIT.  That's the biggest Apple lie of all!
		-- Discussion in comp.os.linux.misc on the intuitiveness of interfaces

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