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Re: [News] Software Donation: Is It a Donation at All?

__/ [ B Gruff ] on Sunday 24 September 2006 10:49 \__

> On Sunday 24 September 2006 08:19 Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Putting aside software replication costs, receiving software for free can
>> motivate lockins and use of services, which in the long term benefit the
>> company (think printers and ink cartridges). Regardless, Microsoft
>> continues to boast software donations, among other things.
>> http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/286140_msftmeets22.html
> It's similar to the reason that I keep referring to them as Green Shield
> Stamps.  The real power of GSS (to the trader giving them and to the GSS
> company) was that so *few* were actually redeemed - they used to lie around
> in pockets, purses, cars, drawers, until they were thrown out....
> Coin-of-the-realm, mate - accept nothing but -  'ave no truck wi' owt else!

This idea of coupon redemption stirs up some thoughts. It's a trap that
prevents anybody from getting skills or even a glimpse at competing
products. It's bound to bring about obedience through blindness.

Fortunately, not everyone will be fooled any longer. People have learned from
the history of this convicted monopolist.

Lawsuit Against Microsoft Set for Court

,----[ Quote ]
| The case claims Microsoft violated Iowa's antitrust laws and harmed
| customers by illegally overcharging for its software, by denying class
| members free choice in software products and the benefits of software
| innovation, and by making computers increasingly susceptible to
| security breaches.


EU rules out 'friendly settlement' in Microsoft standoff

,----[ Quote ]
| "It's not about a friendly settlement, but respect for a decision by
| the commission imposed on Microsoft and which the company has to
| respect," she (Neelie Kroes, EU Commission) said on Thursday.


There are similar strategies that are aimed at locking a computer to Windows.

Microsoft's Holiday Gift

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft (MSFT) plans to offer discounts for its delayed Windows
| Vista operating system to spur holiday sales. Glitches forced Microsoft
| to postpone Vista's release until after Christmas....


Microsoft to Give Florida Schools $80M

,----[ Quote ]
| The qualifying schools will get vouchers that can be used to receive 
| reimbursements for purchases of any manufacturer's computers running any 
| operating system and software used with those products.
| [...]
| Half the money must be used for software and the other half for hardware
| and other services including curriculum development, training and
| supplemental services for school administrators.


So it's already assumed that free software will _NOT_ (cannot) be used.

Then, there is also a government that turns a blind eye.

Judge OKs new Microsoft antitrust deadline

,----[ Quote ]
| Under the modified agreement, the government would have the "unilateral"
| ability to ask the court to extend the provisions related to the MCPP up
| to 2012.


Be sure there will be many more lawsuits, e.g. due to services (hardcoded
links) and prebundling (with competing formats or violation of protocols and

Where Should Vendors Stick Their Services? 

,----[ Quote ]
| Wondering if you noticed the news over at Microsoft Watch this week
| that Microsoft has done what many considered inevitable: Started
| using Windows as a way to hawk Windows Live Services?
| It's not too surprising to me that Microsoft is splashing all over
| its Welcome to Vista screen (at least in one of the latest Vista test
| builds, No. 5506) promotional links, inviting users to download Windows
| Live Messenger, Windows Live OneCare, Windows Live Mail Desktop, and more.
| But I was surprised the Redmondians would be so bold as to actually
| embed Windows Live Messenger into Vista. After all the antitrust
| lawsuits Microsoft has been slapped with here, there and everywhere ?
| many of which have focused on its "innovative integration" (a k a,
| bundling) strategies, you'd think they'd be a little more cautious.
| With the actual Windows Live Messenger code (not just a download link)
| being integrated right into Vista, I think Microsoft might be really
| going out on a limb. When backed into a corner before about itsi
| ntegration strategy, Microsoft's defense was that removing any of
| the integrated components (Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player,
| etc.) would break the OS. But if Vista test builds have been working
| just fine (well, middling, maybe, based on some not-so-happy tester
| comments) without Windows Live Messenger, how can Microsoft make a
| case for it being part of Windows?


Also see:


And also:

Will Microsoft's new principles be its undoing?

,----[ Quote ]
| In seeking to placate regulators and still-angry customers, Microsoft
| could be setting itself up for a long-term decline.


The European Commission is working on bringing sanity back into the IT

Software Notebook: Antitrust focus shifts to Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Kroes told reporters that she expects Microsoft to apply "the general
| principle" of the commission's 2004 ruling to future Windows versions.
| That ruling was meant to keep Microsoft from using the dominance of
| Windows to give itself an unfair edge in other areas of the software
| market.
| [...]
| In behind-the-scenes letters, Kroes and Microsoft Chief Executive
| Steve Ballmer have discussed the European Commission's concerns in
| areas including Internet search, document presentation and security. But
| the agency hasn't taken formal action over Vista.


Kroes: EU Investigating Microsoft Office

EU to fine Microsoft 200-300 mln euros (apart from daily fine)

,----[ Quote ]
| The two sources said that Microsoft must be in full compliance with
| the European Commission's landmark antitrust decision of March 2004 by
| the end of the month, or face a further fine of up to 3 million euros
| daily.


EU Antitrust Chief Says Her Commission Is Investigating Microsoft Office

,----[ Quote ]
| Kroes said the Commission's actions on Microsoft "will result in benefits
| in terms of industrial competitiveness and will result in more innovation
| and lower prices for consumers."


Adobe, Symantec challenge Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| The briefings are intended to offset a similar public-relations effort [1] 
| by Microsoft, a Symantec spokesman, Cris Paden, told The Journal.
| [...]
| The EU fined Microsoft 497 million euros, or more than $600 million,
| for antitrust violations related to its earlier versions of Windows in
| 2004, The Journal said. In July, Ms. Kroes imposed an additional penalty
| of 280.5 million euros against Microsoft for defying orders to change
| its business practices, according to the report.


EU to fine Microsoft 200-300 mln euros (apart from daily fine)

,----[ Quote ]
| The two sources said that Microsoft must be in full compliance with
| the European Commission's landmark antitrust decision of March 2004 by
| the end of the month, or face a further fine of up to 3 million euros
| daily.


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