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Re: Linux Can Be Installed Over the Network, or Without CD's

__/ [ pcutilisateur@xxxxxxxxx ] on Friday 22 September 2006 16:44 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Gentoo Announces 'Seeds'
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The aim of the project is to create stage4 tarballs which can be used
>> | to 'seed' new boxes with ready-built Gentoo solutions.
>> `----
>> http://www.osdir.com/Article9357.phtml
>> Install Fedora Core 5 Linux Without Burning CD
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | I tried to install fedora core 5 without burning the iso into cds.
>> | Normally I install them and then the cds are of no use. I use compelete
>> | install and I upgrade or install new packages directly from the interent
>> | (sic). This way I have fedora core 2, 3 ,4 cds sitting idle with me.
>> `----
>> http://imthi.com/blog/73/index.php
>> There was also a thread on the kernel mailing-list some time ago, which
>> explained how to install Linux without physical access to the machine. And
>> there are Live CD's, USB installations, etc. What do the rivals have to
>> offer? They are /virtually/ nowhere to be /seen/. No virtues (features).
>> Only sins (viral marketing).
> Hello
> I didn't read the whole thing, however, I have few qestions. How are
> you going to boot without a cd/dvd? Let's say a computer g-d forbid is
> infected with windows, and there are two partitions c: & d. Both are
> vfat. How would a user format d: and create linux partition + swap
> without booting a linux kernel?
> I am asking these questions because I am thinking about install gentoo
> in my 2nd partiton.

I vaguely recall the time when I was prepared to install Red Hat (version 9,
I think) on the main machine at my old office. As I followed the
instructions it was made clear that I can have the installation running from
a floppy disk. I just needed to have all the ISO's on the Windows partition
and then boot from the floppy. This goes over 3 back, so I can't recall
exactly what was involved. In any event, a 'CD toasting' facility isn't a
necessity these days. You can get Gentoo delivered to you for free, or for a
very low cost, as well. E.g.:


Happy cooking!

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