Op Wed, 20 Sep 2006 20:20:46 -0500, schreef Erik Funkenbusch:
> On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 01:17:11 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> But Microsoft, much like our resident Winvocates and apologists, says that
>> only 2% of the Windows PC's out there are found to have malware, according
>> to some tools. Speaking of lies and bias, Microsoft also claimed a failure
>> rate of 5% for the XBox 360. EA put the bar at 30-50%, based on a sample of
>> ~500.
> That's not what Microsoft said, and you know it.
> The figure you're talking about is WGA false positives. Nowhere has
> Microsoft said 2% for spyware.
You're absolutely right. Microsoft came up with a rather lower estimate:
I guess it's just an common, innocent error: they got the result as a
simple ratio, but mistakenly presented it as a percentage. Happens all the
time. Just look at Enron, for instance.
Richard Rasker
Linetec Translation and Technology Services