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[News] Apache Open Source Server Still Gaining, Despite Aggressive Microsoft Moves

April 2007 Web Server Survey

,----[ Quote ]
| In the April 2007 survey we received responses from 113,658,468 sites,
| an increase of 3.2 million sites from last month's survey. Apache
| continues to be the most widely-used web server, powering more than
| 66.9 million sites, compared to 35.3 million sites using Microsoft
| server software.



Open Source Fights Back

,----[ Quote ]
| Question: The OpenSourceParking.com announcement cites a Netcraft
| report, which found that GoDaddy.com's migration from Linux to Windows
| caused Apache to lose server share. Was this event the sole impetus
| for OpenSourceParking.com?
| Perens: Not the first. It's part of a continuing behavior pattern by
| Microsoft that I think it's fair to call "dirty fighting." GoDaddy was
| using Apache (I assume on Linux) because it was a great technical
| solution. They didn't switch to IIS on Windows Server 2003 for any
| technical reason. The switch was accompanied by a press release by
| GoDaddy, containing Microsoft promotional language. Now, I've changed
| many servers from one thing to another, but I've never made a press
| release about it. GoDaddy wouldn't be doing that unless Microsoft had
| offered them something valuable in return. There has been talk in the
| domain business that Microsoft has been offering the large domain
| registries a wad of cash to switch their parked sites. There is no
| other reason to do this than to influence the Netcraft figures.


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