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A friend visits brother at Manchester Univ.

  • Subject: A friend visits brother at Manchester Univ.
  • From: "Lintard Advocate" <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 4 Apr 2007 15:05:34 -0700
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A fellow graduate student I know here at WPI went to visit his brother
at Manchester Univ over spring break holiday. It is a funny thing how
small world this is because his brother knows who Roy Schestowitz is.
His brother tell him the following about Roy.

He like to hang all by himself and he is social misfit. Could be
because of fact that Roy stu-stu-stu-stu-ddddders when he talk. Roy is
also on short side with scars from bad acne problem.

BAWWAWAWWWAAWAW - Sound like a typiucal cola lo-lo-lo-lo-loser to
m,m,m,me. No wonder he have do nothing but hide in dorm room all day
and post crap here to cola. He is to much of a re,re,re,re,reject to
make it,t,t,t,t out in the re,re,re,real world!!!!


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