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[News] Windows Vista Gets No Fix Until Year's End(ish)

Otellini lets slip Vista Service Pack date

,----[ Quote ]
| Speaking on an earnings call with analysts, Otellini stunned the
| virtually assembled hacks by telling them that, when it came to the
| impact of Vista on Intel's bottom line, "In the corporate space, I
| believe most companies will act like Intel and do some pilots and
| testing today, but the deployment will actually happen when the
| service pack gets released in the fourth-quarter timeframe -
| probably the October, November timeframe."


Bad pace. People expected an SP around July (6 months). Perhaps it's time to
look elsewhere now that Leopard is delayed as well. Ubuntu gets clean and
complete releases every 6 months. While Microsoft said it would like to
imitate this approach, it's clearly unable to even deliver fixes within a
6-month timeframe.


Microsoft admits Vista screwed - report 

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista SP1 is code named "Fiji", presumably after a pretty looking
| island which is paralysed by coups.
| In a statement regarding the service pack Microsoft admits that
| Vista has "high impact" problems.


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