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[News] British Poll: ~20% Use OpenOffice at Work

And the centre of your desktop is...

,----[ Quote ]
| We had an overwhelming response to our reader poll in this area with over
| 4,800 of you participating, so thanks to those who took the time.
| [...]
| The only competition at the moment is from open source office suites, 
| OpenOffice in particular, which around one in five Reg readers are 
| personally using.



Google manager: Google Apps replaced Microsoft Office at 100,000 businesses

,----[ Quote ]
| Google's newly released online productivity suite Google Apps has
| already replaced Microsoft Office at more than 100,000 small to
| medium enterprises and has been deployed at two of the largest
| companies in the world, according to the search leader's
| enterprise product boss.


100,000,000 OpenOffice.org fans can't be wrong

,----[ Quote ]
| Simon's official response explained the business rationale behind
| offering support for OpenOffice.org: "OpenOffice.org has becomep
| henomenally successful, Sun alone has shipped more than 70 million
| copies of OpenOffice.org 2.0," he said. "Out there, there
| are maybe 100 million copies of OpenOffice.org. It would be
| senseless to ignore that opportunity."


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