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Re: ZDNet's Robin Harris Calls Windows Vista "Lame"

Interesting set of replies.  One Windows fanatic says:

"You have a choice to not use Vista, you can use some free garbage OS,
or shell out twice as much for a mac.
No one is forcing you to even use Vista."

OTOH, a college students says:

"I've taken the liberty of installing ubuntu on my laptop. I've gotten
rid of windows and I'll never use it as my primary OS again."

In other words, real life experience with a "garbage OS".

As for the mac costing twice as much, this is obviously an
exaggeration.  I wonder what an honest price comparison is.  I've
heard people claim that there's no price difference, compared to
Windows.  I got an educational discount on a Macbook Pro, but it was
still pretty expensive.

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