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[News] ZDNet's Robin Harris Calls Windows Vista "Lame"

Why is Vista lame?

,----[ Quote ]
| I think competition is a Good Thing. Hiring smart guys like Ray Ozzie
| is a good idea, but Nostradamus himself can't save you with 5 year
| development cycles. We'll know they're serious when they fix that.
| Until then, mighty Microsoft will continue to bring forth mediocre
| products, a day late and a dollar short.


Also this:

The case against Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft claims Vista was a success. True, millions of copies
| sold, but, most of these copies turn out to have been
| preinstalled on new PC's.
| So, the average consumer is quite clearly not really interested in
| Vista. In fact, many consumers still request Wicrosoft Windows XP,
| INSTEAD of Vista. Microsoft has reacted to this in predictable
| fashion: by announcing that XP will no longer be available via
| OEM channels by 2008
| So, what's really wrong with Vista, and how will it affect you?


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