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[News] Windows DNS Flaw Requires 133 (!!!!) Patches

Microsoft preps 133 patches for Windows DNS hole

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is working on 133 separate updates for the problem, Budd wrote.


Binaries cannot truly tell just how poorly implemented this whole thing is.


Microsoft DNS Server Attacks Continue

,----[ Quote ]
| The concept enables malicious users to run code remotely under the
| system privileges generally granted to the DNS service itself.


Microsoft: Patch for critical DNS flaw may be ready by 8 May

,----[ Quote ]
| The cmopany has been under pressure to address the flaw, reported
| last week, since software that exploits it has now been widely
| disseminated, and criminals are beginning to use it in attacks.


Attack code raises Windows DNS zero-day risk

,----[ Quote ]
| At least four exploits for the vulnerability in the Windows domain
| name system, or DNS, service were published on the Internet over the 
| weekend, Symantec said in an alert Monday. 


Cybercrooks exploiting new Windows DNS flaw

,----[ Quote ]
| Cybercrooks are using a yet-to-be-patched security flaw in certain
| Windows versions to attack computers running the operating systems,
| Microsoft warned late Thursday.


Microsoft's advisories giving clues to hackers

,----[ Quote ]
| How's this for a new twist on the old responsible disclosure debate: 
| Hackers are taking advantage of information released in Microsoft's
| pre-patch security advisories to create exploits for zero-day
| vulnerabilities.


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