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[News] Vista Benchmarks Said to Be Nothing But Marketing

Vista: Benchmarking or Benchmarketing?

,----[ Quote ]
| If you only looked at the Windows Experience Index, you could end
| up purchasing a product which will not satisfy your requirements!
| Vista rated all of our graphics cards at high scores of 4.5 and up,
| meaning that they supposedly are suitable to run 3D game graphics,
| but as our game and 3DMark results show, this is absolutely wrong.


Also mind the 'minimum requirements' of Vista (versus reality).

Related (examples of false advertising): 

Valve questions Microsoft's commitment to PC gaming

,----[ Quote ]
| Half-Life 2 developer Valve thinks that Microsoft's current
| "Games for Windows" marketing push is a cynical ploy to sell
| more copies of Windows Vista, rather than a genuine effort to
| invigorate the PC gaming market.


Rumor: Is Microsoft cheating their [Xbox 360] sales?

,----[ Quote ]
| All in all, there are some sobering thoughts with very broad implications
| for any company if that were true. That being said, would you buy
| from Microsoft, or any other company for that matter, if they were
| cheating their sales?


,----[ Quote ]
| Sony, like Microsoft, announces units shipped, not actually sold.
| This allows both companies to advertise sales numbers based on how
| many units they can force retailers to accept, not on how many units
| customers actually buy; both have considerable market power to push
| excess unsold inventory into the channel."


Vista Upgrade, Dimension E521, Sound Blaster Audigy MB Software

,----[ Quote ]
| Rather than reply to many individual comments and personal e-mails
| regarding the Dell Vista Express Upgrade, concerns around the
| Dimension E521, and the Vista version of the Sound Blaster Audigy
| MB software, I wanted to let people know that we will use the blog
| to provide updates on all three.
| Regarding the Vista upgrade, Dell can help customers who have
| issues with:
|     * The Dell Vista Upgrade site not recognizing their service tag(s)
|     * Cerficate of Authenticity (COA) issues
|     * Credit Card/ Change of Address issues


Dell's "Express Upgrade" to Vista not so "express"

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell-using Vista hopefuls are expressing their frustration at
| Dell's continued delays and problems with their Vista upgrades.


Let's not forget the lawsuits over the "Vista-ready" scam (ready to /boot/

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