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Re: Ubuntu: The Rich Man's OS: Re: [News] Dell Adds Ubuntu-loaded (Feisty Fawn) Laptops to Catalogue

On Apr 19, 9:44 pm, "[H]omer" <s...@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Verily I say unto thee, that The Ghost In The Machine spake thusly:
> > In comp.os.linux.advocacy, John Bailo
> > <jaba...@xxxxxxxxxx>
> >  wrote
> > on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:13:19 -0700
> > <MdOdneK7cMazPrrbnZ2dnUVZ_hGdn...@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> >> The Ghost In The Machine wrote:
> >>> This does put him in an interesting position.  While one
> >>> can readily buy the M90 (its under Mobiles), it doesn't
> >>> have an Ubuntu option.
> >> Michael Dell
> >> Mark Shuttleworth
> >> Who's next? Richard branson -- all alboard the rich man's Linux: Ubuntu.
> >> Or, purchase a copy of OpenSuse 10.2 and get a real distro.
> > Feh.  Gentoo.  :-P
> Real men use LFS :-P
> --

Straight Debian for me! Runs on everything and with a binary package
system. Though I will occasionally put together my own distro if I
have specific requirements(I made a distro based on smalllinux and
kdrive that ran X on a 25mhz 386, and passably well. Xedit anyone?).

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