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[News] SCO Targets Open Wi-Fi, Not Just Open Source (Linux)

SCO Chair Argues for Open Wi-Fi Crackdown in Utah

,----[ Quote ]
| The head of SCO, a group that maintains Linux is a derivative product
| of copyrights they hold, testified as a private citizen that Utah
| should regulate how wireless networks are configured. Free and
| unintentionally open networks would be banned in Ralph Yarro's view,
| and individuals or network operators would be fined for leaving
| networks open and responsible for any pornography that passes across
| it that's viewed by minors.



,----[ Quote ]
| "If people think SCO has gone crazy or 'MAD' it's now official,"
| McBride said.


Darl McBride destroying SCO: bankruptcy looms

,----[ Quote ]
| SCO has long been sueing IBM for using SCO intellectual property in
| Linux and AIX product. Linux lovers will applaud the downfall, if
| it happens - which, no doubt whatsoever, they devoutly wish - of
| Darl McBride's disputacious and deeply disreputable company.
| I'm just glad that people who once worked for SCO in the UK can
| relax in the knowledge that their pensions are safe even though
| the company, which many once loved, has been taken to the brink
| of disaster by its present management. 


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