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Re: Microsoft resorts to extortion

__/ [ AZ Nomad ] on Friday 20 April 2007 04:08 \__

> Microsoft has now resorted to threatening business "partners" with threats
> that if they support linux then they may be subject to lawsuits over linux
> having so called microsoft technology (yet unnamed).  Companies like
> samsung are getting "liability coverage" written into contracts with
> microsoft so that they won't get sued.
> It's the old protection racket.  Pay us -- you wouldn't want like something
> bad should happen to you would you?

Samsung has joined ranks with Novell, claiming/admitting there's guilt over
something which they do not own. Do mind, however, the following phrase from
the press release:

"Samsung and its distributors and customers may utilize Microsoft's patents
in Samsung's products with proprietary software, and Samsung will also
obtain coverage from Microsoft for its customers' use of certain Linux-based

Linux-based products != Linux. Mono and the Microsoft mimics can be blamed
here. I can't recall which company it was that recently introduced a
Linux/Mono phone.

On the subject of extortation/retaliation, also see:

,----[ Quote ]
| From: Brad Silverberg [ITG/OXYGEN/bradsi]
| [...]
| so as long as they continue such attacks on us, i cannot give them win95 
| beta, they are NOT just another oem.


,----[ Quote ]
| That software effort does not have the support of Mr. Otellini, who
| is concerned about incurring Microsoft's wrath, the executive said.
| The two companies have a long history of tension over who controls
| the hardware and software direction of the "Wintel standard." Intel
| has said it is supporting both operating systems.


Did Microsoft want to 'whack' Dell over its Linux dealings?

Dell's secret Linux fling

Microsoft 'killed Dell Linux' - States

                ~~ With kind regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Microsof(fshore)t Window(ntime)s Vista(gnating)
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/0                         Thu Apr 19 07:46   still logged in   
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